How The Dinner Party Works


Curious how this thing works? Check out our illustrated guide below.



You join the club nobody wants to join.

You lose someone—a parent, sibling, partner, child, an extended family member, or a close friend—whether 3 months ago, 3 years ago, or 3 decades ago.



You feel a little bit like an alien.

In the midst of our grief, it can be hard to connect with family, friends, or colleagues. You feel isolated, alone, unsure of how to move forward with your life.

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You find out about The Dinner Party!

You think “What! This exists?!” and decide how you want to participate, so you click on Join the Party to learn more about our programs.

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You choose a Table to join.

You read about a Host and their Table and it really resonates with you, and so you RSVP to the Table. Maybe their someone who is hosting an Affinity Table that speaks to your experience (LGBTQIA+ identity, suicide loss, BIPOC identity, partner loss) or maybe their Host bio sounds like they could be a real friend in grief. After a few days, your RSVP is accepted by TDP staff and your Host reaches out to introduce themself before the first gathering.



You go to your first Table gathering.

You probably experience first-dinner nerves, we do too. You’ll find yourself in a room (whether in-person or virtual) with other people around your age who have also experienced loss. Once everyone gets settled in, your Host will start the conversation, you’ll introduce yourself , share what brings you to the Table, and where you’re at with your loss right now. The conversation will flow and you’ll listen while others do the same.



You keep coming back, and realize, because of your heartache, you can also create amazing friendships and forward motion in your life.

The Dinner Party is not about one-off dinners. It’s about building community and connection over time. By gathering every month, you’ll start getting to know more about your fellow Dinner Partiers beyond just their story of loss. You feel less alone and have new friends who you can share all parts of your story with — even the parts that rarely see the light of day.


Sound like The Dinner Party might be right for you?