OCTOBER 1-6, 2023



  • The holidays are a notoriously tough time for those experiencing the loss of someone significant in their lives. This virtual Camp will serve as a foundational event for attendees to continue building lasting connections during the holiday season through ongoing peer-led support.

    TDP Grief Camp is open to grievers 18+ anywhere in the world. Starting October 1-6, 2023, Campers will participate in activities ranging from a guided nap-meditation, to exploring the messiness of grief, the tangles of complex relationships, and how our intersectionality can impact the ways we want to be held as we move through the world after a loss. After a week of restorative Workshops, attendees can continue growing newfound connections through ongoing access to a private cohort network that includes special resources, guided discussions, and tailored toolkits, throughout the rest of the year.

  • Since 2014, when the first 5 Dinner Partiers gathered together around a table in Los Angeles, The Dinner Party has supported over 24K+ grievers nationwide through our various programs – including developing replicable methodology to building online communities for peer-led healing, sharing the principles behind it with other organizations looking to foster peer-led collective care in pursuit of helping their members feel fully seen. Through TDP Grief Camp, we are again expanding our approach to how we intentionally gather and create experiences to help navigate being human. We’re exploring the overlap between a single-event and long-term community growth — cultivating the intersection where feeling seen over a shared experience can lead to life-changing bonds.

    By Sponsoring a Seat, Table, or Affinity Space, you are helping keep events like these accessible to thousands of grievers seeking support. Your tax-deductible donation also helps The Dinner Party continue developing positive digital spaces that cultivates deep connection and communal care.

  • Proud Alignment: The community we’ve built has supported thousands of new (to us) grievers a year. A tax-deductible Sponsorship has a significant and tangible impact on the lives of grievers navigating the complex web of living life after loss.

    “When my mom died, I felt achingly alone. It was an isolation that I had never experienced before. But as soon as I started attending dinners about a month and a half later, that loneliness abated. It was kind of a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz moment — I was stepping out of a completely colorless world and back into something that was richer and more vibrant than before. I felt like I could start reclaiming my life again. The Dinner Party is life-changing. Full stop." — Alix, Philadelphia

    Exposure: You or your brand will be prominently featured across all our Camp communication across a network of over 25,000+ engaged community members. Corporate sponsors will also be acknowledged in media coverage, further growing our collective audiences.

    Mutual Growth: As the exciting things on our horizon come to fruition, there will be opportunities for deeper collaboration!

    Support an Expansive Mission: Simply put, we can always do great work, better. Your gift will significantly increase our capacity to care for our community and the number of grievers we can support.



Sponsor a Seat

By sponsoring the seat for an Attendee or Buddy, you are helping keep Camp accessible to at least one griever.


Benefits Include: 

  • Logo on website

  • Mention in social media campaigns

  • Mention in newsletters

Sponsor a Dinner Party Table

By sponsoring a Dinner Party Table, you are helping a group of grievers attend Camp together.


Benefits Include: 

  • Logo on website

  • Feature in social media campaigns

  • Feature in newsletters

  • Included in press releases

Sponsor an Affinity Space

By sponsoring an Affinity Space, you are equipping more Dinner Party Hosts to cultivate spaces for grievers with similar loss experiences.


Benefits Include: 

  • Logo on website

  • Collaborative feature in social media campaigns

  • Collaborative in newsletters

  • Included in press releases

  • Mention during Live event



Want to give another amount? Interested in collaboration? Press or media inquiries? Fill out the form or email sofia@thedinnerparty.org